Benefits of Office Fruit

Why promote healthy eating at work?

Health awareness within the workplace is important for the wellbeing of your employees. Recent studies highlighted that 87% of respondents reported that they would rather be employed by someone who provides health and well-being support, and fruit in the workplace is one way to achieve this by helping to boost productivity levels.

Nutritious alternative to junk food

Fresh fruit is also a healthy and nutritious alternative to junk food and are rich sources of natural fibre, vitamins, minerals and other compounds that your body needs to function, they may also help to prevent chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer and diabetes.

Increased Productivity

Back in 2017 a study conducted by industry body BFS (British Summer Fruits) found that over 50% of 2000 employees think their mood, productivity and stress levels at work would be improved if they were provided with healthy food, like fresh fruit, by their employees.

Eating fruit during the day

By boosting your daily fruit intake it will give you the right fuel to get you through the working day. At the Green Office Co we have made it easier to eat healthier at work as we have been supplying businesses with fresh fruit boxes  throughout Lancashire which has resulted in increased staff moral, increased output and more significantly helped to lower sickness levels.

Contact us today for your hassle free regular supply of quality fresh fruit delivered to your office, floor or desk.