
Biophilic Rabbit Within a Workspace

Springing to Life: Tracing Biophilic Design’s Roots and Its Easter Renaissance

The move from the idea of biophilia to using biophilic design in practice was a big step forward in architecture and interior design. While the idea of biophilia showed that we have a natural connection to nature, it was using these ideas in biophilic design that showed how good it is to put nature into our buildings. This change was helped along by people who saw how important these ideas could be in changing how we design spaces.

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Office plants

Beating the Winter Blues and Bringing Nature Indoors.

Bringing Nature Indoors to Unleash Biophilia’s Power in the Workplace Winter often casts a gloomy shadow over office environments with its grey skies and shorter days. However, there’s a vibrant solution at hand: bringing nature indoors and harnessing the potential of biophilic design and office

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